WOLips - Deployment Build
Chad Pilkington
2009-08-25 14:31:09 UTC
When I build for deployment on WOLips (build.xml - Ant Build) the
resulting launch script has permissions of -rwxr-x---. Is it possible
to change the build instructions to produce -rwxr-x--x instead?
Kieran Kelleher
2009-08-25 15:37:11 UTC
Hi Chad,

I expect most people just use chown and chmod in a deployment script
or manually in terminal to set final ownership and permissions of the
deployed bundles on the destination servers to suit their own
organization's protocols. You could try and do sth like that to
customize the chmod settings to your situation.

Regards, Kieran
Post by Chad Pilkington
When I build for deployment on WOLips (build.xml - Ant Build) the
resulting launch script has permissions of -rwxr-x---. Is it
possible to change the build instructions to produce -rwxr-x--x
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